AFD Press release : France and Tanzania strengthen their cooperation for more inclusion and sustainability in the agricultural and and urban transport sectors - Ufaransa na Tanzania zaimarisha ushirikiano wao kwa ujumuishi na uendelezaji wa sekta ya kilimo na usafiri wa mijini [fr]

On the sidelines of this year’s One Ocean Summit in Brest, H.E. Ms Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Mr Franck Riester, Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Trade and Attractiveness, Mr Rémy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer of the French Development Agency (AFD) and His Excellency Nabil Hajlaoui, Ambassador of France in Tanzania, presided over the signing of three financing agreements between France and Tanzania, totalling EUR 259 million.

In order to facilitate access to finance for the agricultural sector in Tanzania, AFD and the Tanzanian Ministry of Finance and Planning agreed upon a EUR 80 million sovereign loan from AFD, together with a EUR 1 million grant for technical assistance. This line of credit will aim to strengthen the Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (TADB) in its role as a catalyst for financing the agricultural sector.

As a public development bank, TADB’s mandate is to finance and catalyse private financing for the agricultural sector. This support will enable it to increase the financial inclusion of the sector’s stakeholders (especially women and the youth) and to promote better environmental and social practices. Through access to adapted financial and non-financial services, small-scale farmers and agribusiness SMEs will ultimately see their incomes and livelihoods increase.

In support to Dar Es Salaam’s sustainable urban mobility development policy, AFD also signed a EUR 178 million sovereign loan agreement with the Tanzanian government. This loan will finance the fifth phase of the city’s Bus Rapid Transit system, which will reduce carbon emissions from the sector, curb pollution and facilitate access to services for the population. The economic capital of Tanzania is the third fastest growing city in Africa and is expected to become a megalopolis of more than 10 million inhabitants by 2030, according to the United Nations.

According to Rémy Rioux: "We are proud to sign both our first agricultural sector financing with Tanzania and our largest bilateral funding agreement, thanks to this sustainable urban development loan. Both these significant agreements bring the portfolio of projects supported by AFD Group in Tanzania to a total of 1 billion euros.
They are also significant from the point of view of our shared values: in line with the last Finance in Common summit, the partnership with TADB will make it possible to reach and include the largest possible number of stakeholders in the agricultural sector, targeting women and young people in particular, while promoting better agricultural practices, in line with AFD’s 100% Paris Agreement commitment. As for the financing of a BRT line, which will improve access to socio-economic services in the capital while reducing the sector’s carbon footprint, it is in line with a fair transition trajectory and with our 100% social cohesion commitment.

Media press: Bérénice Oreyo-Pierronnet

Katika Mkutano wa mwaka huu wa One Ocean Summit huko Brest, Mheshimiwa Samia Suluhu Hassan, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Bw Franck Riester, Waziri wa Biashara na vivutio vya nje, Bw Rémy Rioux, Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa Shirika la Maendeleo la Ufaransa (AFD) na Mheshimiwa Nabil Hajlaoui, Balozi wa Ufaransa nchini Tanzania, waliongoza utiaji saini wa makubaliano ya mikataba mitatu ya kifedha kati ya Ufaransa na Tanzania, jumla ya EUR 259 milioni.

Ili kuwezesha upatikanaji wa fedha kwa sekta ya kilimo nchini Tanzania, AFD na Wizara ya Fedha na Mipango ya Tanzania zimekubaliana na mkopo wa euro milioni 80 kutoka AFD, pamoja na ruzuku Milioni Moja ya msaada wa kiufundi. Njia hii ya mikopo italenga kuimarisha Benki ya Maendeleo ya Kilimo Tanzania (TADB) katika jukumu lake la kuwa chachu ya kufadhili sekta ya kilimo.

Kama benki ya maendeleo ya umma, jukumu la TADB ni kufadhili na kuchochea ufadhili wa kibinafsi kwa sekta ya kilimo. Msaada huu utaiwezesha kuongeza ushirikishwaji wa kifedha wa wadau wa sekta (hasa wanawake na vijana) na kukuza utendaji bora wa mazingira na kijamii. Kupitia upatikanaji wa huduma za kifedha na zisizo za kifedha zilizorekebishwa, wakulima wadogo na wafanyabiashara wa kilimo SMEs hatimaye wataona mapato yao na maisha yanaboreshwa.

Ili kuunga mkono sera ya maendeleo endelevu ya uhamaji mijini, AFD pia ilitia saini mkataba wa mkopo huru wa EUR 178 milioni na serikali ya Tanzania. Mkopo huu utafadhili awamu ya tano ya mfumo wa mabasi yaendayo haraka jijini humo, ambao utapunguza utoaji wa hewa ukaa kutoka sekta hiyo, kukabiliana na uchafuzi wa mazingira na kurahisisha upatikanaji wa huduma kwa wakazi. Mji mkuu wa uchumi wa Tanzania ni mji wa tatu unaokua kwa kasi barani Afrika na unatarajiwa kuwa jiji kuu la zaidi ya wakaazi milioni 10 ifikapo 2030, kulingana na Umoja wa Mataifa.

Kama alivyosema Rémy Rioux: "Tunajivunia kusaini fedha zetu za kwanza za sekta ya kilimo na Tanzania na makubaliano yetu ya kifedha makubwa zaidi ya nchi zetu mbili, kwa sababu ya mkopo huu wa maendeleo ya mijini. Makubaliano haya muhimu huleta miradi inayoungwa mkono na AFD Group nchini Tanzania jumla ya euro bilioni 1. Pia ni muhimu kwa mitazamo yetu ya pamoja tunayoamini: kulingana na mkutano wa mwisho wa Finance in Common summit, ushirikiano na TADB utafanya uwezekano kufikia na kujumuisha idadi kubwa zaidi ya washikadau katika sekta ya kilimo, ikilenga wanawake na vijana hasa, huku wakikuza mbinu bora za kilimo, kulingana na ahadi ya 100% ya AFD ya Makubaliano ya Paris. Kuhusu ufadhili wa njia ya BRT, ambayo itaboresha ufikiaji wa huduma za kijamii na kiuchumi katika mji mkuu huku ikipunguza kiwango cha kaboni katika sekta hiyo, inaambatana na mwelekeo wa mpito wa haki na dhamira yetu ya 100% ya uwiano wa kijamii."

Taarifa kwa Vyombo vya habari: Bérénice Oreyo-Pierronnet


Dernière modification : 16/02/2022

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